I am travelling to Turkey and am wondering if someone can recommend a good resource/ book for studying the different kinds of rugs I might encounter on my trip and in particular how they are made. I know a little, I want to know more! I will be in Istanbul. Cathie



I forget to mention I will also be in Ephesus ,kusadasi,and Bodrum.

tommye scanlin

... Marla Mallett has lots of info at her website--you might want to take a look there. Tommye


Tommye, Marla Mallet's website is fascinating! I can't stop reading it! Thank you so much for the lead. I know I am just scratching the surface, but i am feeling better prepared for what I may see. Some of the knots and and interlockings I know how to do but to see them so finely done will be a challenge to identify. Her website has such great photo examples plus illustrations it is so very helpful. What a rich rug experience we have in this world!

tommye scanlin

... is excellent, too.  It shows wonderful diagrams of many weaves, including lots about twining and soumak!


Yes it does! Although I had never heard of the term weft interruption which creates these dots on the surface. It's something we use in tapestry all the time, never heard the term, or had seen such beautiful examples! There can be warp interruption too, but that is warp faced, just as attractive too. I like the examples of twining and Soumac used together, great source of inspiration!


Oh, the book! I'm planning on getting it! Thanks.