Complexity 2014

Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Entry deadline Nov 18, 2013.

Exhibit runs April 7 - May 9, 2014.

Complex Weavers announces its biennial international juried exhibit
featuring works employing complex weave structures interlacing threads
and fibers in ways beyond plain weave. Complex weaving is defined by the
cloth produced and the mind it took to create it, not by the equipment
used. There is no requirement that the work must be woven on a minimum
number of shafts or on a Jacquard loom. Works with historic inspiration
and interpretations are welcome.

All Complex Weavers members and students at accredited colleges and
universities may submit entries. Non-member artists may join Complex
Weavers ( by the submission date. Students must provide proof of full-time
current registration. Work will be evaluated by three jurors: Marguerite
Gingras, Alice Schlein, and Wendy Weiss.


Questions: Sandra Hutton, [email protected]


lkautio (not verified)

I hope you enter!


sally orgren

If you are planning to attend Convergence, the Complexity exhibit is being held in tandem with the conference. Here is when and how you can view it:

Complexity at Brown University in the Cohen Gallery, Granoff Center (154 Angell St.) 

 will be there from July 14-August 14. It is open from 8 am to 4 pm M-F plus July 19-20 

 from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is free.

It is about a mile from the Convention Center (uphill). It is a straight easy walk past RISD if you can do hills.If you want to drive, parking during the summer is possible, mostly metered, so you will need to have quarters and you might need to drive around a bit to find a space along Thayer, Angell, Brown or Meeting Streets.There are buses that run from Kennedy Plaza (about a block from the convention center) thru a tunnel to Thayer St., one block from the gallery along Thayer St. The fare is $2 each way, or $1 if you can show a Medicare card. Number 40 and 42 bus go up the hill thru the tunnel which is about a 5 min. ride. You can check and print out the schedule at the bus website RIPTA


(Apologies if this appears as all one paragraph. The formatting is not cooperating today.)

sally orgren

Complex Weavers is having an open meeting on Wed @ 4:15 in the marketplace of the vendor hall in the Convention Center. (Near the vendor stage area).

Usually they have some free issues of the journal, and you can get a chance to see a sampling of study group notebooks and hear about the opportunities the organization provides. Since the conference just concluded, those of us who did not attend can probably hear more about it!

I plan to add my avatar to my HGA nametag so you can "recognize" me. See you there!