I was recently gifted a somewhat worse for wear Thorpe Countermarche loom, and I'm working on getting her up and running again (I've only used a rigid heddle up until now, but I'm up for a challenge!). However, in the box of bits and pieces I received with her, I found the attached - and I'm a little bit puzzled. Warping gear of some sort? I'm not quite sure what or how those wooden clamps are meant to attach to? Anyone able to enlighten me?



It looks almost (but not quite) like a warping "board" I have - only the two pieces (and thus not a "board" as such). They are clamped to he back of the loom - the "board" then gets to be as wide as your loom is. The cross(es) are made on the pegs that get to be on the outside. Hmm... clear as mud?

Ed Golden (not verified)

You're missing one dowel, but a trip to the hardware or lumber store should put that right. Think of it — you got almost the complete package in one gift.


Aha! The pictures of it attached are perfect, thank you so much for your help. :D
The loom itself went together easily, but it's so lovely to see pictures of one in good shape. Mine was left in a garage, and the reed is rusted (I'll be replacing), the heddles seem to have had insects nesting in them, and I think rodents have nibbled on some of the treadles from the look of them. Not quite so shiny!