I liked what I saw from the forum post that had these, so I thought I would see if I could make a pair.  One 1 x 3 inch poplar board 24 inches long cut in half, 4 - 5 inch long 1/4 inch carriage bolts with wingnuts and on 8 foot long piece of screen lattice cut in half and edges sanded  ---all from Home Depot.  I had a scrap piece of hardwood to make the two small blocks and just a matter of drilling bolt holes and stick holes with a 1 and 1/2 inch holesaw with 1/2 chuck electric drill and then MORE sanding. This is still plain unfinished wood. After I try it and with yarn then I will come back and put a coat of varnish on them.



Make sure you leave a bit more room for the lease sticks to "pulse" when they hit a snag or tangle OR you will have snapped warp threads.

Vicki Allen (not verified)

I took a couple of rectangular pieces of the grey styrofoam that comes around printers and cut slits in them for the lease sticks to go into.

I don't secure the foam wings to the loom, just let them keep the lease sticks in position relative to each other. The lease sticks are tied loosely to the sides of the loom so they don't shift around.

Just what I came up with.

Vicki Allen

r1mein54 (not verified)

Thanks for the tip  Deb , but I know I have to "try it out" - just like a boat,,you can build one but will it float or sink.  I guess it`s now obvious now that I have not used lease sticks before with any of my weaving. This will be another learning curve.

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

lease rod holder

Almgrens is a wonderful old silk mill in the heart of Stockholm, open for visitors and sometimes including demonstrations. There's a nice exhibit of their history and products, and a small shop.


Bonnie Inouye (not verified)


I uploaded the photo to my Flickr page but it hasn't come into the message yet. Maybe this link will do the trick?




Bonnie, thanks for persevering with the photo upload. That is one sweet lease stick holder!  Deb Mc

r1mein54 (not verified)

Bonnie, thanks for getting the photo up so we can see. Must have been a "romantic" weaver to design the upsided down hearts-


Mine are a lot less romatic... (and faster to make; need a high castle, though)

tomrsey (not verified)

r1mein54, I like your design.  It is simple yet seems it wold be quite effective.  It is on my list of projects.   I have been warping F2B lately, and holding the cross in my hand, not using lease sticks.  However, I know not all projects are going to lend themselves to that method.    Thanks for posting your design, and please post again when you use it to let us know if there are any tweaks you would suggest.

r1mein54 (not verified)

Thanks tomrsey, but it is not my design - I just mentally copied what was posted on another discussion on this site.  Yes,  still have to plan my next warp, load the loom and try it out.

loomyladi (not verified)

I always admire resourcefulness and often try to find new and better ways of doing things.  This type of Angel wing is manufactured in the US by a small family owned business (Purrington Looms) at a very reasonable cost. http://purringtonlooms.com/accessories.htm  The quality of the finish is excellent and they will customize to fit your specific loom.      

tomrsey (not verified)

Thanks, loomyladi, for the info.  I have just scratched it off my "to do" list and moved it to my "just ordered" list.   I like to buy from small family owned businesses when possible.

loomyladi (not verified)

I'm sure the folks at Purrington Looms appreciate your support!

Mike (not verified)

I too would like to make a pair of angel wings.  ( I would support Purrington but am based in England, making mailing costs prohibitive.)  So what would be the ideal diameter of wood dowel to use for the lease sticks and then what would be the ideal size for the holes in the wings to take the lease sticks?  Or would screen lattice profile be a better shape for the lease sticks?  Grateful for ideas and advice.  

Sara von Tresckow

Gee, I've always used 2 pieces of whatever scrap yarn were handy to tie my lease sticks wherever they were needed.

When warping, they want to be positioned differently than when sleying heddles and/or reed. During weaving, they want to ride close to or on the back beam. Simply inserting a cord through the tie cord and using a bow knot such as one uses to tie shoes, the sticks can easily be moved around as needed and fastened quickly.

No need for a high or low castle - most looms have enough sticks and beams for attachment as needed. I prefer hot lime green or orange - they are like the plastic bits on ink cartridges - for easy idendification.

sarahnopp (not verified)

I usually just tie mine to the loom too, but I am fond of the loose binder rings (like these) which snap together to keep the two sticks in even relative position. I am not sure who showed me the trick, but I have been using them ever since.

Sara von Tresckow

One note to Mike above - lease sticks should be flat and beveled such as come with Swedish countermarche looms. They ride more smoothly through the cross.


I do the same as Sara does, Worst, and Lundell. Not much trouble.

Mike (not verified)

Thank you all.  Those sound much cheaper options!!