Hi-new floor loom weaver here, new Weavolution member. This will seem like a silly question to you experienced weavers! Just getting started on a 4 shaft baby wolf. I'm setting up the warp front to back for "M&O's" pattern. The book I'm learning from instructs back to front but I'm trying Madelyn Van der Hoogts method of front to back. I'm assuming I will thread the harnesses in the same order the draft indicates regardless of warping direction but thought I'd better confirm this. Thanks.



In a word, yes.  Keep the draft oriented in the same direction as the loom, or turn the tie up as well to keep the shafts lifting when they are supposed to.



Cat Brysch

because there's so such thing as a silly question! Weavolution is full of old, experienced weavers like me and just as many brand-new weavers, too. We all just want to help and communicate, so don't hesitate to write in and let us know how you are doing, TOO!

I just wanted to add that I have practiced and used ever method to winding on that you can think of and I have chosen to stay with front to back, so all methods are worth learning and deciding for yourself! You might decide to use one method on one loom and another method on a different loom...it's all about convenience and preference.

I warp on from 30 to 70 yards at a time on all of my looms and I use front to back with all of them. I use warps from 8/2 unmercerized cotton and to 60/2 perle cotton and everything in between. Welcome to the weaving world...you are only starting on a wonderful journey!

Happy Weaving! 


I normally warp front to back, but continually feel like I should be warping  back to front.  I have tried B2F, but just can't get comfortable with it.  It's nice to know that there are some experienced weavers that prefer the F2B method. 


If you are happy with your results, there is no need to change.  But if you find you are running into problems it's always nice to know a different method which may work better *given the circumstances*.  :)



Alison (not verified)

Cat - Where do you find 60/2 perle cotton?

I've also done both and generally prefer back to front using the "crank and yank" method - despite the blisters I've occasionally given myself! But many very good weavers exclusively use front to back and many more use whatever seems to suit their materials.

Welcome to Weavolution.  This is a very nice little community and I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.


Cat Brysch

several years ago through Yarn Barn of Kansas. They don't carry it now, I think, but have found that Lunatic Fringe Yarn as a nice comparable in their white 40/2 perle cotton.

I stated the 60/2 because that's the smallest I have ever beamed on front to back. I did do a 120/2 silk... I forgot to list that one!

Alison (not verified)

Thanks Cat.  I've beamed 120/2 silk back to front.  I'm impressed that you tackled it front to back.  I know Lunatic has 40/2, but only in white, of course.  Sad that the finer perle cottons have disappeared.