So... tell us where you're from and the weaving you do!


I live in Melbourne, Australia. I bought an Ashford Knitters Loom about three years ago and it's been barely without a warp on it ever since. Last September I bought an Ashford 4 shaft Table Loom, on which I've woven a couple of rugs and a blanket. I keep trying to get to a beginner weaving class, but my work makes getting to a night class on a regular basis near impossible. So I've been teaching myself, thanks to Handwoven magazine, books and the internet.


MegWeaves (not verified)


I've heard of color/texture weaver vs. structure weaver accredited to Madelyn V D Hoogt, but I haven't heard pattern vs structure weavers.  Can you tell me more? 

sweltwoman (not verified)

Hi, I'm a weaver from New York City (well, actually Brooklyn which only is of note if you know NY at all) - my husband and I will be making our first trip to Australia on February 8.  We'll be traveling for 6 weeks (oh, the privilege of being retired!) - we'll be in Melbourne,  Tasmania, briefly in Adelaide, Alice Springs, Port Douglass and (the longest stop) about nine days in Sydney.  Some of the time will be spent hiking - especially in Tasmania.  But a lot of the time will be spent looking at fiber and yarns!  So any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Susan


Outbackspinner (not verified)

Hi Everyone, I see I am a month late making my introduction.  I forget to get on the computer to check what is going on.  My name is Paula and I live in Kalgoorlie WA.

I am originally from West Virginia in the US.  I learned to crochet, knit and spin by the time I was 15 in WV.  At seventeen I learned to weave in Grenoble France, by accident, from a nice lady named Martine Cheradame.  I didn't have the chance to weave again until many years later and had to take a beginning weaving class to learn how in english!!!

When I moved to Australia I had to leave my looms behind so I have done a lot of knitting in the last 10 years.  Last year I had a chance to buy two looms.  One is an old four harness table loom from Petlin.  The other is a very large four harness counterbalance loom made of Jarrah.  Now I have the looms I keep hoping for time to do more weaving.  But I am still busy working.  I have one project on the table loom and a rug warp chained off waiting to be threaded on the floor loom.  I move at a snails pace!

I do a lot of mental weaving before I fall asleep at night!  In the past I spun a lot of the wool that I used to weave with even though people told me that you couldn't use handspun for warp.  the results were all good.  My only disaster was a mohair warp that kept breaking, but it wasn't handspun, it was machine spun.  I really enjoy twills and overshot.

I look forward to hearing from all of you and stories of your weaving journeys.

MegWeaves (not verified)

Never too late.  My dad a word for mental weaving - which he claims Mom does more of.  But don't we all?




I live in Adelaide and have been weaving since 2008. Just changed from a 4-shaft table loom to an 8-shaft countermarche (and am having issues!). I enjoy pattern weaving and using different fibres. Working full-time means the loom doesn't get as much use as I'd like, but can't complain about weaving as a relaxing hobby.

Vicki Allen (not verified)

I would like to join your group. I have enjoyed the blogs written by many of you and admire your work already. I am located in Georgia, USA.

I weave on an 8 shaft Maycomber jack loom and a homemade counterbalance 4 shaft loom. I have been weaving since the 80's. Since I work full time, my weaving time is limited, but like others have mentioned, I weave pretty much all the time in my head. (What was that word your Dad had for that, Meg?) : )

I'm learning summer and winter right now and experimenting with different possibilities using that weave. It is fun.


Vicki Allen



Hi all. My name is Hakim and I live in Mt Barker in the Adelaide Hills. I am very new to actual weaving but have a long standing interest and 20 years ago even hand-carved a replica of a wooden shuttle I saw somewhere online or in a book.

That is as far as it went until I responded to an ad for a class in Middle Eastern rug weaving last year. The class never happened; cancelled twice because of insufficient numbers; but I persisted and was eventually given the phone number of the teacher, an Afgani man who had gone to Iran as a refugee and from there, a decade later, came to Australia. We started one on one lessons towards the end of last year.

So I have built as medium size vertical loom and am currently 'playing', learning the basics and making lots of mistakes.

Then my school teacher wife came home saying the school wanted to get rid of an old loom: I am now the proud owner of an 8 shaft loom which I learnt last week is a countermarch. Its been reassembled, dusted and oiled but that is about it so far - can't get much greener than that :)

Anyway, if this thread is still alive, I am happy to 'meet' you here.

Best wishes,



I am a new weaver but it has always interested me.
I have been sewing, knitting both hand and machine, quilting, smocking etc for years but finally jumped in and bought a 50 cm Knitter loom. I would really like a large 8+h floor loom and was waiting for a studio to house it.

With the arrival of 3 in under 3 years including twins the studio isn't going to happen  anytime soon so I figured I may as well get started now.


I prefer finer projects than the knitter loom seems suited to but I would love to find out more about it.
Of course I am now looking around for a floor loom thinking of a Mighty/Baby Wolf, Louet David or a Leclerc but we don't seem to have many options here in Oz :-(


I am in Melbourne but  am a Tassie girl who would dearly love to set up a non-commercial studio back home.


Moving back to NZ next month after 4 years in the US. Leaving behind my Macomber and a table loom, but looking forward to unpacking my counterbalance and upright looms which have been in storage.  I'll be in Wellington for a year and have made contact with the guild there.

Bigger plans will see us moving back to the US in 2014

Look forward to more contact
