From the reports so far everyone seems to be doing really well with their dail weaverliness. Mary and CHeryl are really putting forth the effort - good examples for all of us. Erica -I admire you working in weaving around the new baby! SO far I have managed to get at least some weaving or weaving related activity in every week. Just finished towel one of four on the Keep It Simple towel warp, will put in a few more minutes on that tongiht and get the hem and maybe a few inches of towel two started. Tomorrow I am in a class on Swdish hand towels. We will be weaving with 16/2 cotton in the warp and linen for the weft. This is the finest thread I have worked with so far - we are sett at 40 epi. The nice ladies at Homestead Heritage have pre-warped our looms for us so we can get more weaving done. I will get to work on the Glimakra Ideal again - I want one ;-) - will post pictures as we go along Keep up the good work Tina


Vennui (not verified)

I got out into the studio this weekend and got a lot accomplished. I finished off The two red shawls and warped up for the next set of brown ones that are due on Saturday. I got one of the red brown ones almost 3/4 done today. I have the green rag rug almost finished. And received my shipment of selvege to start on the next set of rugs after I re-warp. This weeks weather looks really good ,I'm excited. I had some pictures to add but I can't seem to get them to go on using my iPad . The controls to add pictures do not appear and I cannot seem to find out where they are. If anyone has a solution to this you might give me a buzz thanks.


Yes I've been impressed with how much TJ let me weave this weekend. I finished an entire metre of weaving in the last week! That menas the shawl is done and I'm on to the hood fabric, eventually.

TJ hasn't been so helpful today, he's demanded a lot of time and cuddles today, so pictures of the shawl so far will have to wait.

Congrats to everyone and keep weaving!



weaving this morning - also some unweaving! Also wound a warp for some dish cloths to go with the dish towels I wove eralier this week. Hoping to get those towels hemmed and washed this weekend. How is everyone else doing?


I did some backing up, too (sounds better than un-weaving)! I was having so much fun weaving to the end of the warp, I forgot I needed to leave an extra 16 in. beyond the 8 in. for fringe, to be able to add extra strands to the twisted fringe. So I had to take it back (unweave) about 5 inches or so. The mohair throw is now off the loom! Time for finishing work. And the yarn for my next project should arrive today, so my loom won't be empty for long.


running and some house cleaning I am going to try and get a couple of towels woven today. Maybe get the RH warped for a moebius cowl.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I'm warped up for the rest of the month! The flake cotton I found at Tuesday Morning is something called Ironstone in jeweltone colors. I warped it up for scarves for Christmas.  My second set of towels is on the loom and I will work on them this weekend.  I have a small tri -loom scarf I hand spun and finished up.  I am finishing a hand spun and knitted shawl this weekend too.


How do you weave a mobius cowl?  I know how to knit one . . .


on the loom you leave about 25 inches at the beginning of the cowl unwoven weave however long you want - I do between 60-75 inches - unroll cloth and unwoven warp off the cloth beam, cut off front apron rod, fold up meet the fell line, catch fold under apron rod and cloth beam to re-establish tension, used unwoven warp at beginning of scarf as weft and you create a moebius strip! I think I show one or two on my project pages. One of the Saori groups over on Ravelry has a pictorial tutorial - very helpful.


this month is flying by!  Worked on drafts Fri & Sat as I am watching Dad for the Weekend.  Rep runner off the loom Thursday and finishing it up today (hopefully)!  Would like to give it to my DIL this afternoon.

Hope everybody is doing better than I did this week!