Time to start working on our webs. Halloweave is officially started and while! I know some you you active arachnids have gotten a head start on things and thats a good thing, it is now officially time to spend time every day for the next 31 days doing something weaverly. Be sure to post photographs of your rpogress both here and on your project pages. If you are getting bogged down and your webs start falling aprat fell free to come on here for encouragement. Spin and weave away the month . . . .   Tina



Finished the spinner sampler shawl yesterday, pulled it off the clothesline after I got home from work today.  I also almost filled the first 8 oz bobbin with that really long staple fleece.  So the deck is cleared for action.

I'll start another shawl on Baby tonight.

The dread is involved in which project to go with on Big Mac.  If I use some bamboo warp I have on hand, I could do the space-dyed project with that.  I have the dyes, and could order more bamboo to dye for weft.  That way I could get started on that loom before I finish on Baby.  I had planned wool, but this would work.  Bamboo is easier to dye than wool.  The dread for this one is producing the 15 - 20 shades of weft I need for that project.  Or I could do more krokbragd, and destash on the warp (no dread, don't need to rethread even!)

. . . or order photoluminescent powder and start experimenting.


you procrastinating about the photoluminescent powder. . . . :) but what a busy spider you have been. Once I am off the computer I am off to thread Wolfie for some Keep It Simple towels for my sister to give away as Christmas presents. . . .


Yes with all that I have going on the minimum 1" is my daily goal! I achieved that goal, plush a skosh yesterday! Thorin was napping when I got home so I went straight to the loom and finished my inch just in time! Today I'll need to wind another bobbin and see if I can get one more today! I can't wait to see this photoluminescent powder in action, btw! Ta, Erica

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I worked on finishing my warp for project number 2.  I am almost finished with my towels.  Can't wait to get those off the loom.  Worked on those a bit - just a couple of inches.  I will focus on those today.  Happy October!


the threading - only one repeat of four - but at least I spent 30 minutes on weaverly activity. I will start earlier tonight - my goal is to thread and maybe sley. . . depends on how long my back holds out!

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I should finish those pesky towels this week.  Learned allot of don'ts on them.  I will work on finishing that warp so it is ready to go.  Warped and wove again today.  No spinning though.  I'm slow but steady.  

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

Whew, I should finish my towels tomorrow. I am so happy.  It's my first project.  It suddenly occurred to me I have no idea how to take them off the loom!  I'll have to look that up!  My next warp is almost done. 


Be sure and post pictures of your towels both here and on your project pages.  I finally got my towel warp threaded - so tomorrow night is sleying the reed and tying on. I will weave this weekend - at lest part of the weekend, being the first Saturday of the month I have knitting bee but then look out loom here I come!

Vennui (not verified)

I almost forgot About Holloweave. Luckily I have been at the looms this week. Right now I have a red shawl to finish ,a green rug ,purple with gold shawl ,a purple Shaw On the small loom in the house and I have 8 mug rugs to be done on the big Tapestry loom. My webs may get me before I get them. Happy Holloweave .

rlmarchand (not verified)

I've finished a tote that I'm supporsed to teach next week and a scarf.  I still have another scarf on my loom and I'm going to start a baby blanket next.  I love this weaving daily.  Why don't I do it all the time?


I have been procrastinating about the photoluminescent dye for well over a year.  My dare to myself is either get going on the photoluminescent dye or equally threatening, a space-dyed warp and 15-20 shades of weft to to a different project.  Somehow, I'm daunted by these huge/difficult dye projects.

Meanwhile, I have to drive into town to get a tetanus shot for where I stabbed myself with the flick carder and got bloody at the sheep to shawl yesterday.  It swelled in the night in spite of antibiotic cream and inital wash of hydrogen peroxide.


is better mneligh - either dye job will be interesting to see!