I'm sure this question has been answered before, but I've got two new-to-me Macombers with rusty heddle bars.  I am planning on cleaning them with steel wool, but I'm thinking a light oiling would be good.  Is that what other Macomber-ites suggest?  If so, what kind of oil should I use.


Peg.Cherre (not verified)

I recommend checking out Sarah Haskell's blog, macomberloomsandme.blogspot.com.  Here's a directly link to a post she wrote about loom maintenance. http://macomberloomsandme.blogspot.com/2012/06/hoist-scrape-dust-mend-then-breathe-and.htmlYou'll find a comment on there from me, because I had just done a no-no and oiled my heddle bars.  Sarah responds with what I should do now (clean off the oil) and what I should have done (apply silicone).

Sarah's a great resource, as are other members of this group.

Michael White

Dena, unlike Peg and Sarah  I do not recomment using silicone on any part of your loom. If you get silicone on any wooden parts you will never be able to refinish the wood. If the rust is light you could sand them and spray with a rust converter (will make them black/brown) or I use a product called "Blaster 50" Dry lube, This goes on wet and then dries to a slick film. http://www.blastercorporation.com/The_Dry_Lube.html

I have also completly sanded the bars and used a "cold blueing" used to finish guns and other metal surfaces.


sequel (not verified)

I have used silicone spray on heddle bars, but I spray a cloth, away from the wood parts of the loom, and then use the cloth on the heddle bars. 


but my Kessinich looms have steel heddle bars and I cleaned them with fine steel wool and put on a good coat of paste wax.  The wax protects the metel and the heddles slide well.
