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So strange that my question didn't go through. I was warping a 600 end 8/2 tencil and threading two threads per dent. I was wondering if I had to keep track of the cross when threading both threads in the dent, or if I could work that out when threading through the heddles. But I managed to muddle through with a few errors that I had to work out. Unfortunately, after i began weaving I noticed that there were two dents that only had one thread in it... so there is a slight mar in the fabric. But its my first large project and I certainly learned a few lessons!


I'm glad you figured it out! After taking Daryl Lancaster's Warping Front to Back Cyber Fiber class, I've felt confident enough to do a few warps front to back, I do find front to back is much better for my table loom! I get far fewer errors that way. Depending on what fiber you are using, you may find that the sett evens once the fabric is off the loom. Can't wait to see your project. Ta, Erica

Dena (not verified)

I don't worry about the order of the threads coming out of the same dent in the reed.  Between the two, it's not going to matter much.  Also, if you wind with two threads together and make your cross with two over, two under, then making sure you've got two in every dent becomes much easier.


First large(r) projectI'm not sure if this will come out okay... but here's the shawl that I'm working on. Unfortunately I discovered there was one dent that only had one thread running through it, so now there's a flaw in the fabric. But that's okay... my daughter will love it anyway.


The flaw might fill in once the shawl is fulled/washed/shrunk anyway. Depends on the fibre.