I am very new to weaving.I have taken one class but it was on a table top loom and I have a Union Rug Loom.I started warping it a while back, way before I took the class.Long story, but now that I am back home I really want to start weaving.What I need to know is, is there a set number of threads for a warp? I want to make rag rugs.Thanks for any help you can give.



Mine has a 12 dent reed so I warp 24 ends per section.  I like to warp for 30 inches, so 360 ends.  But it really depends on how wide you want your rug.  I found this width easy to work and it gives me about a 28 inch rug.  I am new to weaving also and this is my learning loom.


There is no set number of ends in a warp.  It depends on sett, width, pattern, and edge treatments.   Depending on what you're weaving and your weft, you could use 6 - 60 epi reasonably well in that reed.   When determining sett, you need to consider your warp thickness.  Consider looking at some guide like Warp, Weft, Sett  or the interweave press spiral bound weaving guide for suggestions, or talk to someone where you  took the class or your local guild.

coinguyslady (not verified)

Thanks for the info. Mine may be like yours,I have 24 ends per section too.I will have to go count and see what I have on there right now.

coinguyslady (not verified)

Thanks for the help.I wish I was close to where I took the class, I was living in anought state then.And the local guild just meets one time a month and I was out of town this last week when they had their meeting.I do plan the join them as soon as I can. I will look into the books you talked about.

Dena (not verified)

Rag rugs are really flexible.  I like 8 ends per inch.  If this is your first project alone, think...simple and less threads.  Personally, I would start with placemats...16" wide, 8 ends per inch....128 threads all together.  See if the loom works and start getting used to warping.  You can move on to projects with more threads once you've got your feet on the ground.  I find that if new weavers start with something too ambitious, it's less likely that they'll move on to their second project.

coinguyslady (not verified)

LOL...Moving to a second project will not be a problem.I am a very hardheaded person and I don't give up on things I want to learn.I wound on enought warp to do 336 ends when I first got the loom. I am going to shoot for using it all.I thought I may have to add more but after doing some reading I think I have the right number. Thanks for your info.