Hello Michael, My name is Lisa Hart Olson and my family runs Macomber Looms in York, Maine.  I am trying to help get the word out to the weaving community that Macomber Looms is still up and running, despite the unexpected death of my father, Rick Hart, in January.  I came across your group online and just wanted to introduce myself.  Our agent Sarah Haskell has done a wonderful job of keeping everyone in the loop on the happenings at Macomber Looms as well.  We are still doing many loom and parts orders, and we even have a booth at this week's Convergence in Long Beach, CA.  My mother Linda Hart, brother Fred Hart, and one of our loom builders Ed Carbone will all be at Convergence this week.  One other exciting piece of news is that our new website www.macomberloom.com  (no "S" on the word "loom") will launch this week.  I hope you are having an enjoyable summer and please feel free to contact Macomber Looms directly at any time!  (this is my personal e-mail so please don't share it with others, but there will be an email for Macomber Looms that weavers can use through the website.)All best,Lisa Hart Olson 


ValerieM (not verified)

That's good to know. Thanks for posting, Michael.


Good to see their loom products are still carrying forward.


Thanks Michael.  It is good to know that they will have an electronic presence, but also will be going to shows as well.   Their looms are worth every penny of investment!  


Eva (not verified)

I was so sorry when I heard that Rick Hart passed away.  I'm glad that his family will continue selling Macomber looms and parts.  I own 2 Macs, one is very old that I bought used over 25 years ago that still works beautifully.  Macomber has been operating so quietly, out of the spotlight for too long, having a website and going to shows will help promote such a great loom. 

Eva Stossel 


WeavingRose (not verified)

I'm really glad to see the website for Macomber.  I remember looking for one a few years back.  I recently found Sarah Haskel's blog and now a website. I want to get a Baby Mac and seeing a picture every so often is incentive to keep saving.