We've just added a new member to our loom family. A 56" Add-a-harness B4E sn 2733. It has 16 shafts, dual warp beams and flying shuttle.  It needs some cleanup but is in great shape.Any information about this loom would be appreciated.


chryselwood (not verified)

Does any one have images of a mac flying shuttle. Our loom has one but its not set up and I'm not certain that I have all the parts


Michael White

Congratutions on your new 56 inch Mac. I know you will love this loom. I run the Macomber groups here and on Ravelry and I don't remember anyone asking about the fly shuttle system so I don't think there is information in any of these posting. So therefore I am sending you to  

http://macomberloomsandme.blogspot.com/  You can email Sarah your question, she is Macombers sales rep.

You can find a lot of information here on restorring your Macomber. One thing about the 56 inch Macomber, it has the heaviest heddle frames of all the Macombers. When they went to the 60 inch and larger looms, Macomber started using a different style of frame. I am telling you this because we have two 56 inch Macombers and trying to lift a whole group of frames with one treadle (as in complex weaves) is a bugger

Enjoy your loom



andsewon (not verified)

What a monster that must be! LOL The first thing I'd do if I had it would be to hook up all 16 harnesses just to see if I could lift it. Lol. What a bear! We need pics of that flying shuttle when you get it all hooked up. Connie

chryselwood (not verified)

we'll create a "gym draft" for an exercise program ;-) 10 reps then weave. A question - what finish do the looms have? Our loom had been stored in a barn and was quite dirty with ground in dirt and old wax. We used floor wax remover to clean it up. This is slowly removing the grime but it seem to be removing the finish (or were they just waxed?). I guess we will be putting on ureathane once the cleanup is done. Thanks for all the wonderful advice in this forum.

Chris & Elizabeth

chryselwood (not verified)

hi Apparently what we thought was a flying shuttle is a "Sliding shuttle". Does anyone have information about this product? Ours is in pieces so I'm not sure if I have all the parts or how to put it together.  I gather it wasn't a successful product


Michael White

Did you ever contact Sarah at Macomber?


chryselwood (not verified)

hi Michael

Yes I have. I've also spoken to someone at Macomber. They put me straight on the sliding vs flying shuttle and were going to see if they could dig up any info. According to their records the loom was made in 1977 as a 12 shaft. It now as 16 shafts I guess the previous owner (also the original owner) did some upgrades.


chryselwood (not verified)

Hi After considerable cleaning, sanding, staining and finishing "Big Mac" (B4-2733 56"/16S) is ready and awaiting a warp. :). We'll certainly be developing leg muscles with tie-ups of more than 3 shafts.

Thanks to Michael & Connie for their help and great links. A photo can be seen at this link:



Michael White

You done a great job on making this loom look new again. WE all await pictures of your first project.
