I am having trouble putting in repeats. As you are putting in the threading. Whe do you do the repeat and then how do you number them when There are multiple level 1 repeats. Do you put in the whole draft wiout repeats and then go back and set the repeats. As the repeats go in how do you number the threads to het it in the correct place. Im confused. The manual is to short on this only showing one repeat. Thanks. Diane


Helen S

See my reply to your next posting.  I will review the manual to see if I can clarify this.



When the draft says "repeat x times', you repeat the previous section as many times as it says before going on to the next section.  If the draft says "repeat from y x times", you repeat section y the specified number of times at the spot where it says "repeat from . . ."

To make threading easier, I enter the harnesses/shaft number for each thread from left to right (for back to front threading),separated by spaces, in a word processor, marking each section with a slash (/).  If it says to repeat a section, I highlight it, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it the required number of times.  When I thread, I check off each thread as I go.  Microsoft Word will flag breaks in even-odd sequences, I've noticed.  I also use the "find" function to find the how many times a given number occurs, in order to make sure I've got enough heddles on that harness.

This makes it much easier for me, at least, not to lose track when doing a pattern with repeats.