I used a thin gold metallic and 10/2 cotton at 24epi.


lkautio (not verified)

This is beautiful!  What a great first 8S project!

Laurie Autio


I love it, too. Please could you consider entering this table runner as a project?


mrdubyah (not verified)

This is very beautiful.  Can't wait to see project #2!

Michael White

This is a distinguishing handsome table runner on a very nice oak table.

Well done


Cat Brysch

You have used your Macomber to make something so wonderful! Is this runner been wash/dry finished? You'll enjoy it forever!


Looks very professional. It's sitting on it's rightful place on that wonderful table. :)


I washed the runner by hand in warm water and woolite.  I put it in the washing machine with a beach towel on spin to get the excess water out.  I then ironed it while still damp and hung it up to finish drying.  It came out perfectly.  I tested the gold thread first to be sure the iron wouldn't damage it.  This thing absolutely shimmers.  It surprised me at how well the gold threads worked out.  They held the tension with the cotton and I had no problems with breakage or shredding.  I am in the process of making two more for some of the people in my life who have requested them.