I'm trying to figure out this spring on the front ratchet.  It looks like it should hook on the end of the bracket, but I can't tell it's function.  The bracket itself is loose and I cannot see a purpose in the spring assembly other that catching my weft as I try to throw the shuttle.  It looks like it should somehow keep the pawl engaged, but I can't see how that would work.  Any pics or explanations would be welcome.

front ratchet



This is my first big loom.  I've never seen another Union Loom before so I don't know any more than this is what mine looks like.   Does that part just screw in/out?  If so, I'd remove it.  Rachet set up on Union Loom


It looks like yours is missing the spring, and it looks like mine is missing the little peg sticking out that it is supposed to attach to.  Mine has been attached with a little bolt and makes it difficult to get where it needs to go.


Where is it supposed to go?  Or what is it supposed to do?  I don't seem to be missing any functionality that I can identify but, again, I have no familiarity with this loom or any large loom.

Edit: I just took off my first rugs and it seems like maybe there was something missing to help me turn the rug roll in the reverse direction to unroll the rugs.  Perhaps that what that part is for somehow? 

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

SEE Rugtalk-Message @ 22457 & 5 pics showing how we handled it !!!!!!


I showed my husband the picture of scottdeerie and he reattached my spring.  It was missing the little connector rod and has been bradded into the hole left by its absence.  He turned the bolt around and put the nut on the opposit side and tightened it down, locking the connector in the appropriate spot.  What we found out is that when you pull back the pawl, it snaps it into open position so that it can't fall back into the ratchet, so I can pull my rugs off without the pawl engaging when I just grab the rug and pull, unwinding it from the beam. 


Can you post a few photos of what it looks like now?  I'm having a hard time picturing it but having pulled off those rugs, I sort of understand why it's needed!


P.S. Is anyone else being trolled by online prostitutes via Weavolution private messaging?  How desperate must you be to cull names from a WEAVING site??  Sounds like some folks need to go put in an application at Walmart 'cause they've hit the bottom of the online barrel.  It did give me a good laugh, though.

sequel (not verified)

Maybe they saw a thread about easy pick-up techniques...


I've tried searching but I can't find that message number.  (I'm new to this site and unfamiliar with all the bells and whistles yet.)  Can you give me a thread title or perhaps a direct http://-type link to the posts?  Thx.


That is a post number over in the yahoo rugtalk.

I will get some pictures posted.





First picture compare to previous picture, with the nut on the inside, there was no way to bind down the bracket without binding down the pawl assembly.  With it turned around, since the hole is threaded, you tighten the nut until the pawl is tight enough and the bracket is in the right position, then lock it in place with the nut on the outside of the assembly.  The spring is still at a somewhat awkward angle since the connector is missing.

In the second picture, you can see the pawl has been disengaged and the spring has it locked back in that position.  The round end of the assembly rides in the ratchet.  This position keeps the pawl disengaged no matter what position the lever is in and you can pull your rugs off without messing with the pawl accidentally engaging.

In the third picture, you can cee the pawl engaged.  In this position the spring brings to bear enough pressure to keep the handle in the horizontal position, leaving it within better reach.


Okay, now I understand!  And I see how it works and why I need it.  When I was thinking about getting my Union Loom, an expert in loom repair told me almost all the repair parts for the loom could be found at the nearest hardware store.  Next time I'm at Home Depot, I'll be bringing home a screen door spring to see what I can rig up.


Thanks so much for the photos! :D


I have a question for anyone familiar with the union loom 36. I thought I posted a question but don't know if I did it correctly.


I hope I am not repeating a question already sent but I'll try again. I weave rugs on a union loom 36 at my local senior center. Someone gave the center this loom years ago and can't find anyone who knows how to maintain it. Current problem - The back beam stays secure for a few shots and then releases. In looking closely at it I see the following: The first few pegs are resting securely on the "L" shaped metal but as you look to the left (viewing from the front of the loom) the remaining pegs are less and less inside the L with the last few barely (if at all) inside the L. Can anyone tell me how why this is or how it can be fixed? I'm thanking you in advance ---


sounds like the warp beam is warped the wrong direction. Had the same thing happen to me. The beam was warped when I got the loom.


I just acquired by great grandfathers union 36 loom it is in excellent condition except it is missing ratchet system is there anything I can do to fix this problem



Neudiver, you might try totalrug.com. They sell a copy of the union 36 and might be able to help with your part.