
I have the opportunity to buy a 36" 4H Kessenich loom for $1200. I already own a Schact Baby Wolf and have a Harrisville loom (in the garage and probably in need of repair and renovation) I'm wondering if the Kessenich would be good for rug weaving. Years ago I did some rug weaving on my Harrisville and know that it could have used more weight for the work of rug weaving.

any oppinions or advise much appreciated.



The heavy oak beater on the kessenich is a bonus for heavy weaving, however, I find the small shed frustrating. I would look at a countermarch loom if you are planning in doing much in the way of rug work, the overhead beater, the larger shed, makes it very versatile for both rug weaving, not to mention finer threads!


Laralee Boyd

Hello.  I have the 2H Emma Kessenich loom for rugs.  It is lightweight compared to my other rug looms.  Bolting it to the floor and adding weight to the beater helped.  Nice to be able to fold it up with the work on it to transport, though.


I have an 8 sh. Kessenich and it's great for rug weaving.


I bought a 4 harness/6 treadle/counterbalance Kessenich for $50.00.  I am replaceing the back beam and the fasteners for the the treadles.  Can anyone help me on how long the chains on the treadles should be.