I'm planning on weaving a recreation of an Icelandic trade cloak from the early Middle Ages. These are a supplementary weft pile fabric using locks of fleece as the pile; they were an important & standardized trade good for a couple of centuries.
I've woven a sample to make sure I understand the technique, but with no attempt to use appropriate yarns. Now I want to weave using commercial yarn as the warp & background weft. I've read an article about samples done using Eingirni and Lodband Einband, both Icelandic singles. I'm under some time pressure and am not sure I can get either of these quickly enough. Are there other yarns that might suit my purposes? I'd like to use an Icelandic yarn, but would be open to other wools appropriate as warp. Actually, I haven't actually used a single as warp before and am a little hesitant to use either of these Icelandic yarns. But the extant examples use singles.
I expect to weave at least two of these, so the first one doesn't have to be a perfect recreation. But I'd like to come close, while also moving ahead rapidly. Suggestions & sources would be welcome.