Deflected Double Weave Project.  Still maintaining a very light beat as this is to be fulled and semi-shrunken.  Sample is set at 16 ends per inch for both yarns even though the usual set for the worsted is between 20+ and the Zephyr 16+.  This is to allow ample movement during wet finishing.  Ready to re-sley if necessary.  The sample size prior to washing is 10" wide by 8" deep.

First pic now shows finished sample - wet finished and new dimensions are 9 x 7.  Very light and lofty!

 Read more at:







Looks great.  Turned out beautifully.  :)



Dawn McCarthy

3/4 way through the final scarf.  Due to a Mon-Thurs job, 3 kids and college class all day Sun, probably not going to finish until mid week.  Halloweave got me to experiment with something a little different and I am grateful for that!


ruthmacgregor (not verified)

This is really beautiful, Dawn!  It's amazing to see those long floats before wet-finishing (a little scarey, actually).  I look forward to seeing the finished scarf!


Mary Rios (not verified)

nice. nice. nice!