Are there any plans out their for a fly shuttle?  I have a Glimakra Standard 63" and am toying with the idea of adding a fly shuttle but can't afford new.  I haven't seen one close up so I'm not able to model it after anything. 



If you can find Laya Brostoff's book - I think it's called something like Production Weaving - there are lots of clear photos of a fly shuttle system.  Google her name, I'm sure the book title will come up.



TheLoominary (not verified)

Hello neweaver, there is a PDF showing a home built loom with a fly shuttle. Measurements with photos. Just google "build your loom". It is provided by cs arizona.Good luck. Frank.

neweaver (not verified)

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.  I found the book for $5 and found CS Arizona's sight very helpful also.


TheLoominary (not verified)

Happy to help, Frank


I've made one and I have a video in the "Home Built Equipment" group. I have to modify the fenders with stiffer SS. But I have woven two 60" throws with it this spring. I have 62" inches between frames, but with the reed in place you loose about a couple inches of weave width.

Direct link to the latest video is here:

Link to forum thread:

When using leather, make sure it is good quality, not the paper backed stuff you find on belts these days. Nylon strap is a good alternative, which is what I went to after the leather I had was not good strong quality.