Hi there! I'm in the process of buying a loom and would like to explore more information about Drawloom weaving before finalizing my plan. I'm very much interested in Drawloom weaving and would like to make sure that the loom I buy never needs to be upgraded. I have the option of purchasing it with the extension and harnesses for either 21or 51 harnesses for Drawloom. The basic loom will be 16h. My questions are: 1: is it a problem to weave basic 16h work with the second set of harnesses on the loom, or do they get in the way? 2: I understand that to convert to Drawloom work, I would need to simply change the heddles on the ground shafts?? 3: my options are either 21or 51 pattern harnesses. If I opt for the 51, the loom will take up 8.75 feet length of an 11.5 ft long space. That surely doesn't leave much wiggle room for working. On the other hand, to get the 21h set-up would give me an additional 20" of wiggle room around the ends of the loom. Will I regret not having the 51 pattern shafts and wish I simply committed to squeezing around the loom? Or does 21 harnesses leave plenty of potential for pattern drafting. I have at about a year before the loom ships, so I have time to chew on this. It would be helpful to have input from those who have worked with drawlooms. I have a great deal to learn, but for my forever loom, I can see enjoying the process of learning to work with the Drawloom Thanks so much for your feedback!


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hi Linda,

You might try posting this in the Weaving forum also.  It will attract more attention there.

Good luck.

Claudia, Weavo Managing partner

Joanne Hall

Hi Linda,

Drawloom pattern shafts can be added at any time, so I would start with 21 and order the rest later.  And, it is possible to have more than 51 pattern shafts if you have more than 100cm weaving width.

The loom extension is adjustable, so you can always extend it later as you add shafts.  You can even shorten it for when you plan to do ordinary weaving.

It is easy to remove the drawbridge so that you can do ordinary weaving with the loom.  You can lift the pattern shafts and their weights off the loom and put them aside.  The drawbrige can be lifted off the loom, or it can be left in place.

The important decision is whether you want a single unit (harnesk) a shaft drawloom, or a combination.  With the combination, the drawcords sit just below the wooden shaft handles.  My first drawloom was a single unit and I had a lot of fun with it.  My second drawloom is a shaft drawloom with the combination.


Dawn McCarthy

Dear Linda, have you woven on a drawloom before?  It is a wonderful method! If you can try some drawloom weaving before purchasing that might help tremendously.  What is your comfort level with countermarch and multi shaft?

Re question 1:

Hmm, 16 shafts AND 51 pattern shafts? This is why I have a separate drawloom and separate 16H loom!  How often do you mind reconfiguring the loom, switching heddles, moving/adding shafts, adjusting etc and will the thought of such end up deterring you from doing a particular project?

Re question 2:


To change to drawloom weaving the heddles would need to be long eye, you would use fewer ground shafts (5-8).  You may also need to use shaft elastics to return shafts to neutral, the height of your back beam may need to be adjusted and the height of your main shafts and pattern shafts may need to be adjusted. You would have to count out your pattern units and add the appropriate weights and then distribute the pattern heddles across the number of pattern shafts.  The loom extension will need to be adjusted also.  (Joanne, Sara and others with a lot more expertise - I am sure I am forgetting something)

Re question 3:  Is the loom extension adjustable?  If so, go for the 51 shafts.  When using fewer you can move the loom extension in a little to have access to more room.

With fewer shafts on the ground and pattern shafts, and with certain types of weaving you can get away with leaving some things in place.  I have woven some basic items using the long eye heddles.  It is generally good form to "strip" the loom to exactly the weave requirements.  Swedish style looms are built for this - but it can get time consuming adding back in for 16 or stripping down and reconfiguring for drawloom.  Can it be done - of course, how often will you need to or be willing to do?




Joanne Hall

If you live in the Eastern half of the US, you can take a drawloom weaving class at Vavstuga in Massachusetts,

[email protected]

If you are in the west, I teach drawloom classes in Montana, [email protected]

It would be very helpful to you if you could take a class.  Then you would understand the process and what is involved, not only for the drawloom, but also for the countermarch tie-up.


Linda Carta (not verified)

I thank you ladies for the very helpful feedback! I'm trying to make sure that the loom I buy has everything I may ever need. I don't want to have to upgrade anything later. I'm on the process of buying a Woolhouse loom. I know John is planning on retiring sometime soon, do I want to anticipate now what I may want later. He makes a fixed size extension for whichever pattern shaft package you want, and the 20+ fixture is amended accordingly. I've not done Drawloom weaving, but I know as I learn more, the more complex I tend to like to go. I love diddly work, and I'm impressed with what little I've seen of Drawloom work. I need to make a trip to New Hampshire this weekend, so I think I'll try to get to Vavstuga on the way up to find out more about what is possible with the Drawloom. I'll pick up the opphamta book while there. I have time before I get this loom, so would like to find as much information as possible in order to make the right decision. I've heard fro John that all I would need to do to convert is to swap the heddles and either add or remove weights to the ground shafts. I would like to find someone locally (PA) who weaves with a Drawloom to better understand. I'll also join the Complex Weavers group. Eventually, I will take the class at Vavstuga. I may have many more questions before I make the decision, so I appreciate all your input!! Thank you!

Dawn McCarthy

Dear Linda, where in PA are you located?


