In one of the schools i teach we have got a drawloom with 30 cords. At this moment we are putting a Lampas weave on this loom. A Lampas is a complex weave traditionally constructed by a ground warp interlacing with the ground weft(s) and a binding warp interlacing with at least one pattern weft.








Technical data for our weave:


Lampas, 5-end satin ground weave, 4 pattern wefts bound in 1/4 twill



Proportion: 4 main warps, 1binding warp

Main warp: linnen, Z-2 ply S, shades of blue

Binding warp: coton sewing yarn, red

Pattern step: differs

Thread counts per cm: 16 main warps, 4 binding warps

width: 80 cm

lenght: 5 m



Proportion: 1 ground weft, 4 pattern weft

Ground weft: linnen, Z-2 ply S, shades  of blue (same as main warp)

Pattern wefts: linnen, Z-2 ply S,shades of   yellow, green, fuxia,...

Pattern step: differs







Minty (not verified)

Hi Harts,

This sounds amazing.

I would very much like to know more, pictures would be fantastic!

Samitum is on my wish list, have woven Taquete but with a dobby loom.

Have you ever done double weave on a draw loom?

Or know where I might find the info?

Thanks if you can help.

Looking forward to seeing the Samitum :)




harts (not verified)

At the moment we are still warping the loom, putting the warp through the'll have to be patient, another 20x 75x2 threads to go(!)  But i'll post pictures of the result.