Migrated Group Comments


Martha-Weaves (not verified)

That is my beloved sister Sarah sitting in the back row (pink shirt) watching a waulking demonstration!  My lovely sister has been very fortunate to spin and weave with Norman.

Norman has been known to tell my sister she has made a bloody mess of things when she was learning how to spin using Scottish methods - he told her this comment with a smile and then proceeded to help her with the finer points of Scottish spinnning.  

My father who was visiting the weaving shop was invited by Norman to sit at his loom and throw the shuttle - with a bit of hesitation my father threw the shuttle a few times - Norman watched this process and then promptly old my father "Laddie, you are doing it all wrong, let me show you a better way".  Mind you my father is in his 70's and thought the Laddie comment was hilarous!  Norman demonstrated the proper way to throw the shuttle - a method my Father has not forgotten since.

agilmour (not verified)

Thanks for sharing that Martha, sounds like typical Norman humour! I guess you know that the waulking in the picture took place at the Summit County (Utah) Fairgrounds pavillion in 1998, as part of the BOW Fiber Festival. We were thrilled to have Norman there, although it was only the 2nd year of the fesitval & most of the attendees had no idea who he was (or how lucky they were!)

 I met Norman when I was 9 (or 10? I can't believe it was over 40 years ago!) when he was just starting as the Master Weaver at Colonial Williamsburg, Va. He instilled in me a passion for all things fiber-related, set me on my path in life & has been a very valued friend & Mentor to me ever since.

agilmour (not verified)

At this point, the forum for [Friends & Fans of Norman Kennedy](group) is on the tab marked "Forums" up at the top of the page (or click on the link). Posts that are created using the "Group Post" link can't be moved over to the forum so please everybody use the forum for their posts, rather than the "Group Post" link? They're probably going to make that disappear and have the forum appear on the group page, but it takes the tech wizards a little bit of time to make it happen. Many thanks to all for your patience while the bugs are worked out...

agilmour (not verified)

Hello Painty1, I just wanted to give you a hearty welcome & thank you for joining our fledgling little group, I'm sure we will find more 'friends & Fans' of  NK as the site grows!

agilmour (not verified)

Hello also to Peaceweaver & thank you for joining us here! They are still working out a few bugs to merge groups & forums & I will try to stay on top of the changes & keep everyone posted, our little group continues to grow & hopefully we'll see more members arriving soon...

agilmour (not verified)

A hearty welcome to [connagher](person) & thank you for joining us! As stated above, I will try to keep everyone informed as they get groups & forums merged & iron out a few wrinkles. Welcome to 'weavolution as well!


DeeDee Woodbury (not verified)

It looks like Norman will be coming to the Houston area to teach District Checks.  The workshop still has some spaces available.  There are some inexpensive hotels very near the shop...it would be nice if the weather warmed up a bit, so Norm doesn't feel like he is still in Vermont! 

Details on the class.

Feb. 20 and 21, 2010

Upstairs Studio, La Porte, TX

$200.00 fee.

weavingrancher (not verified)

I was chatting with Norman last nite to plan an upcoming visit and wanted to let the group know he feels he has finally arrived because he has an online fan club.  He thinks it is an absolute hoot!!!  He shared with me the story about how he met the creator of the group when she used to haunt the weaving shop in Williamsburg when she was a little girl(obviously just a few years ago). He said she was a natural weaver even then.  I wanted to let the group know Norman will be in the Colorado Springs area March 7-22.  Some of the events planned are a concert and waulking in Boulder, a waulking in Colorado Springs, a presentation to PPWG and a mini workshop on using distaffs.  We are also trying to put together a great wheel or walking wheels class.  I sure hope it goes since these beautiful wheels are few and far between west of the Mississippi and to have someone that has used them extensively willing to work with us would be great.  So far we have two people and we need at least three.  I also thought if there are people that would like to get together with Norman for a dinner or get together it could be arranged.  After all he is a national treasure as he is quick to remind us all.lol