I am needing some guidance with my ten shaft counterbalance loom. I have it warped, threaded, sleyed and have attempted to get all ten shafts tied up. It is a balanced tie-up with ten treadles. I am able to get the five treadles on the left to open with a fairly decent shed, but the five on the right have multiple split sheds, most of which aren’t big enough for a shuttle. 

I think I have identified the shafts on each treadle that have warp threads too low in the top part of the shed. I’m wondering if there is some kind of formula to use to fine tune the sheds? Example: if warp threads on shaft ten are too low on the upper part of the shed, do _______ to fix it. I’m hoping there is a simple step by step process. 



In your example: if shaft 10 has to come up, the only remedy is to make shaft 1 (which the opposite of shaft 10, right?) go lower.

As shafts are connected in pairs over each pulley-"level", there is no way to make just one of the pair change.

Are the problem treadles on the side of the lamm pivot? The nearer the pivot point, the harder to get big sheds.



Black and red 9/2 wool blanket

Kerstin, thank you for replying. I did finally get everything working with decent sheds this afternoon. I did some adjusting of the treadle cords after putting the shafts back in the shaft levelers and then I decided to remeasure where I had my dräll pulleys connected to the shafts. They weren’t quite where they should have been, so I moved all those cords. When I tested the sheds again, they were fine. 


Good to hear - happy weaving!