Looking for opinions of those who have used or own a Barbara V loom? I have the opportunity to purchase one but it has water damage to one end of a large cross beam. Has anyone fixed one of these? Thanks



What kind of water damage?  Rot? Warp?


The water damage appears to be rot. I'm just not sure if it is something that is worth fixing?


I have a Barbara IV, which is different.  However, it is large and very well built.  It is a versatile loom, and I'm looking forward to using it for tapestry.  The tension on the IV is touchy, and I am replacing it with a ratchet and pawl on the warp beam.  You can search the site for information on repairing rotted wood; there has been a lot of discussion.  If you get a good deal on it, I would say it's worth while.  My understanding is the V is more conventional in set up than the IV, and will do countermarche.


Big White Sofa Dog,

Can you please send me some information about your experiences with your Barbara IV Loom.

Any information that you can send my way. Especially the brake conversion, is greatly appreciated.

[email protected]