I found out in February that I am expecting our first baby! I have been thinking about making things ever since. This week we found out we are having a baby girl! (Not to mention my nesting instict is kicking in...) I would really love for my daughter to be surrounded by handwoven items in her nursery. Anyone done much weaving for baby? I'm not really sure what yarns would be appropriate or what items I can even make using handwoven cloth. I have a 48" 4 shaft Macomber and a 20" 6 shaft Baby Macomber. If possible, I'd love to make crib bedding/blanket, changing table covering, burb cloths, receiving blanket, etc. as it's my first baby, I'm not even sure what all I need yet. :) Just excited and really wanting to make things. Thoughts?



Susan Harvey posted a draft for an adorable baby blanket back in 2012. I made towels out of it and love them. If you can't find it here, go to her blog weeverwoman.blogspot.com, April 12, 2012

It looks like little hearts, very sweet for a new baby



On this site, search grand baby receiving blankets and you will find it. Posted 4/15/2012


If you are not adverse to a kit.  Cotton Clouds has them for baby blankets.

This is the link to my project that I completed so you can see pictures. I did this last February and the parents went crazy over them.



crosstownshuttler (not verified)

I've made burping pads and baby blankets for crib, play mats, and stroller out of cotton in various sizes, mercerized and not. Hems work better than fringe due to all the washing baby things get. The leftover warp from burping pads I made 30+ years ago is still going strong as a kitchen "everything cloth". Happy weaving!


My baby is now 15 yrs old, and she has to make do with a fist full of samples - that baby blanket just was never made.  My advice is to take advantage of all that uninterrupted time!  I think also that weave structures without long floats are really important. 

I have gazed at ricatiga's beautiful baby blankets - and wished I could source some bamboo yarn locally, and the Susan Harvey blanket is also inspiring.  This weekend I hope to crank out something very simple for a colleague, and do it by only using yarns in my stash.  I've gotten some inspiration by going through all the projects listed here.  You can search using "baby" and selecting projects in the pull-down menu.

Best of luck to you.