
i am following a pattern for a three-thread huck placement that i downloaded from yarn.com and i am a bit stuck on how to wind the warp. the pattern calls for 24 threads of 10/2 yarn for the border and then [1 thread of 10/2 yarn, 1 thread of 3/2 yarn, 1 thread of 10/2 yarn] repeated 67 times and then 24 threads of 10/2 for the opposite border. usually when i do yarn changes i snip the first yarn and tie the second yarn to it and continue warping but for this pattern i would be doing that almost every thread and seems a bit cumbersome. do you have any advice on a better technique? 

thanks so much!



Wind three threads at once.

8 times around the warping board pattern (out and back four round trips) with three threads for the border, then one thread of each 67 times (out and back 33 round trips plus one half trip) for the middle, then three at once for the other border, (back and out for four round trips).

It's way easier this way, and faster, too! Just choose the threads in order when doing the heddle and reed threading on the middle part. It's ok as long as you finish a group of three on the lease sticks before moving to the next group of three.


ah that makes so much sense! thank you!


ah that makes so much sense! thank you!