Hi - I am trying to figure out the warping sequence for the log cabin pattern using 2 heddles on my rigid heddle loom.  I haven't had much luck - I can get a pinwheel pattern (2x2) but can't seem to figure out how to warp for alternating colors and been having no luck on line finding any directions - everything I found is for a single heddle.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Sara von Tresckow

Perhaps you need to use graph paper to simulate this - when you tie on the cloth beam, your warp ends should be in the sequence needed for your log cabin pattern - abababab babababa ababab, etc.

Actually you can have a bit of a mixup at the warp beam as long as you thread the slots and holes in the sequence on your graph paper. If threads are threaded one or two out of warping sequence, it won't matter until you get to the very end.