
B P (not verified)

Hi Tina

I do like the look of a lace weave structure woven in natural coloured cotton. V nice!

I'm looking forward to seeing your first towel off the loom, and all finished. Thanks for posting.


TinaHilton (not verified)

It's not hemmed, but it is washed and ironed.  I should get several more towels off this warp, but now I have to tie on again.  


I love these towels! How was the shrinkage on these? Again, the lace is lovely.

Lauries (not verified)

Great towel. Huck Lace is one of my favorite weaves.

TinaHilton (not verified)

Cathie - I just updated the project for the final size after washing.  15% in width and 10% in length.  That's for takeup and shrinkage.

Lauries - Huck lace is my favorite for towels too, especially with this 10/2 organic cotton.  I think it makes it look extra special.

Linda Carta (not verified)

What a lovely, classy towel!  I love huck, and to use the different natural cottons is a great design.  Beautiful job!


They are just gorgeous.  I was going to ask what yarns you used, but I think you already answered it - huck lace.  Nice color choices.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I'm trying to have better records, so this time I actually cut the first towel off the loom and will wet finish it to make sure the finished size is what I want.  Then I can make any adjustments to the woven length for the rest of the towels on this warp.  And I'm adding the project to Weavolution so I can refer back to it.

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit