

I think the colors in your shawl are lovely especially when the photo is enlarged. I have a feeling that's what it looks like in person. Only a thought, but have you tried a closer sett with a single weft, light beat for an airy feel while maybe showing off the colors more? The other thought I have is maybe just changing the color of your weft to something a little darker, I sometimes do that with painted warps. Regardless, I think your piece is beautiful whether you change it or not!

Deanna (not verified)

I agree, my biggest worry was the sett.  I know that the closer sett would show the warp better, but I was worried about losing width on the piece...only one skein of yarn! 

Thank you for the suggestions and encouragement.

lollismith (not verified)

You don't mention the fiber content of your yarn/yarns. If this is wool or animal fibers the shrinkage and or fulling of wet finishing may bring your piece into perspective as to the open weave structure. If these are synthetics or yarns not meant to shrink or full then what you see is probably what you get. So far it is a lovely subtle piece so keep it up!

lollismith (not verified)

You don't mention the fiber content of your yarn/yarns. If this is wool or animal fibers the shrinkage and or fulling of wet finishing may bring your piece into perspective as to the open weave structure. If these are synthetics or yarns not meant to shrink or full then what you see is probably what you get. So far it is a lovely subtle piece so keep it up!
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I have been playing with lining up hand painted yarns to give a ikat look.  Thus my "faux Ikat" tag.  This yarn is fine, and I want the shawl to be very light and airy, but I am not sure that the sett is working.  I have doubled the weft to bring it up to about the size of the warp, but this has make the weft more dominate in the fabric.  Because it is the dyed warp that I want to show, this may not be working too well.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit