
bolivian warmi

Cool Christmas present for both you and your cat! Great colors. Where does the name come from?-''37''

elisabethhill (not verified)

Lovely Christmas present and lovely  project, but what is that crazy graphic behind the inkle band?


Thumper70 (not verified)


the name "37s" comes from the figure designation in the book (also present) I got the idea from. At the initial time of writing I was upstairs, the book was downstairs, and I was too lazy to go retrieve it (grin). The book is Helene Bress' "Inkle Weaving" - and "pattern" 37s is on page . . . 41. Her design uses red, white, and blue . . cotton I think she says. Mine is green purple and yellow linen. I 've got a thing for linen so I try to use it all the time.

Thumper70 (not verified)

ha ha ha . . . that crazy graphic is the cover to the catalogue of the Ottoman exhibition now on at the Institute du Monde Arabe in Paris. We saw it a month or so ago - fabulous exhibit - the textile pieces alone were stunning. The institute does great temporary exhibitions but alas their permanent collection is . . . not really worth the visit.

Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

Using my Christmas present I'm warped and weaving my first experiment in inkle weaving. Lessons learned thus far include: KEEP TRACK OF OVER/UNDER! (or you won't be able to move the weaving forward); and KEEP LINEN AWAY FROM THE CAT! (this is corallary 1B to "keep wool away from the cat").

Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
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