Hello I wonder if you can help me please? I bought a Katie loom for my wife's birthday. She has been weaving for quite a while now, so she has a reasonable knowledge of looms. She has warped up the loom, but the problem is that the 'rollers' (I don't know the correct terminology) can't maintain tension. The Pawls lock into the cogs but they seem to be the wrong way round. When you tighten one the other loosens off. I thought the cogs themselves might be the wrong way around, but this is not so. Does anyone have any ideas? I thought about repositioning the pawl so that it locks into the opposite side of the cog, but should not really have to do this on a brand new loom. Many thanks, Tony



I read about something similar regarding their rigid heddle looms. I don't know if your loom came pre-assembled, or if you had to assemble it, but i read that some people were having problems tightening the ratchet and pawls on the rigid heddle loom, and realized they had the front and back ratchets switched. Once they moved them, they worked properly.


Sara von Tresckow

Ashford builds the looms correctly as they go into the box, but during assembly of any loom, it is possible to put the ratchet/pawl assembly on the wrong beam creating the problem described above.


That nice man Martin at P&M Woolcraft has pointed out the problem, the warp needed to go round the rollers the other way. The tension will then be maintained. Doh!!!! As my wife says, you think you know it all, then you realise you don't! Kind regards to you all. We will let you know how she gets on. Tony