Just received parts of the hammet loom I recently purchased, really dirty, can the warp apron be removed from beam and laundered without shrinking it or would be better to just replace it?  How hard to make new one myself?  Thanks for any help, searched the site but didn't find anything.



is possible.  I used canvas material, using the old apron as a pattern in terms of hems, selvage treatment, and rod pockets.  It also depends on how the aprons are attached to the beam, it is easier to remove and put back on square (square is the important part here) on some looms than others.  If the existing apron is just dusty, vacuum it well and it should be fine.


I think there have been several posts about problems after washing aprons.  Unless it's so dirty you are worried about it staining the warp or cloth, I would agree with vacuuming.


Sorry, it's the cloth beam apron and it's nasty!  Cloth beam is thick cardboard and it was carpet tacked onto it, managed to get it off, I will make a pattern from it to make new one if need be, then try washing this old one in big tumbler washer at laundromat where it won't get ruined by an agitator, will lay flat to dry.

Thanks for the help.  terrieO