I just purchased and assembled a new Ashford 8 shaft table loom. I'm having trouble getting a decent tension using the breaking system which is made out of plastic. When I try to tighten the tension with the front gear, the rear gear slips out of the break teeth. I read that it is not necessary to have a tight tension and to check that the gears are put on in the right direction. They're on correctly, but I still don't think the tension is getting snug enough. It's very loose. Has anyone else had trouble with these plastic tension gears on Ashford looms?



If you could post some pictures of the front and rear ratchets, it would help.


One thing a bit unusual about the ashford is that the warp comes off the warp beam on the inside, goes backward around the back beam and then forward towards the heddles. Other table looms and floor looms often go straight up from the warp beam to the back beam. To wind on, you turn the warp beam knob backward toward the back of the loom. To wind forward, with the pawl up, you turn the knob forward towards the front of the loom. I couldn't find a really good illustration, but you can kind of see the warp path at the back in this picture from the Ashford website http://www.wheelsandwhorls.co.nz/shop/images/uploads/Ashford%20Products/New%20Product%20Features/loomstand2016.jpg


I've solved this problem with two things: 1) Carefully following Ashford's warping instructions. See the videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ashford+loom+warping 2) Supplementing the ratchets with small C-clamps (available at a hardwood store). It's a pain to constantly have to adjust them but it works.