In celebration of Weavolution's 8th birthday on 8 June, tell us what the community means to you! Share your favorite tip you have learned here, a story of inspiration, or even your favorite group!

We look forward to celebrating this great community!

Happy Weaving,

Erica & Oliver



There are no weavers in my community so my very favorite is Daily Check In. I look at it daily just as I check in with email and Facebook. I feel I know some of you. learn from the running conversations. I am both intimidated and inspired by the beautiful work weavers do. I love, love seeing projects. Thanks for being here and happy birthday.

sally orgren

I have learned about many new weavers through this site and it is a delight to meet them face to face, and form long lasting relationships that are renewed at conferences and through my travels. Some of the nicest things have happened to me through this site. A member was reading a discussion and as a result, surprised me by sending rods for my floor loom! A quite common response is to receive detailed information in response to project inquiry. The tip about painting glue on the knots when tying a new warp to the old was the most recent tip that has become invaluable to me. I most especially appreciate the seasoned members of the weaving community stopping by and posting. Many of these folks run their own businesses and teach classes, so their time and experience is valuable. There are a lot of opinions offered in the online weaving world, and I find their sage advice typically points me in the right direction and gives me confidence (because they use their real names) in the information they are sharing. Finally, I appreciate that anyone can view this site. One does not have to be a member to access the discussions and projects. This allows the weaving community to use this as an easily referenced resource for potential new weavers. Thank you for so many great years Allison, Claudia, Tien, Erica & Oliver!

Claudia Segal (not verified)

It's nice to see weavers commenting who have been here from the start!  

It makes me very happy to see Weavo tunr 8!  Erica and Oliver have done a very nice job working hard to keep the community going.  

For the first 2 years, Alison, Tien and I were the ones who gave birth to Weavolution and tried our best to get it into shape for the members we enjoyed getting to know.  Our marketing plan, which was my responsibility, helped to bring some of the best names in weaving to the site and it's very rewarding to see so many have stayed.

For the 3rd and 4th year, Alison and I worked in the background to keep Weavolution afloat and to make some changes to improve the site.  Unfortunately, the day-to-day was more overwhelming than I anticipated and we sold it to Erica and Oliver.

My hat is off to all of you! the weavers who stop by daily, weekly or whenever you can.  This is and always has been your website.  You have all created this fine community.  We have only been its custodians.  Thank you all for being here and creating this open and welcoming weaving community.  I wish Erica, Oliver and every member, participant and lurker a very happy Weavo-versary!

Claudia Segal, Weavolution co-founder