So, I have been working on some towels for the past few months on my Macomber before I finished restoring it.  I wanted to make sire everything worked correctly before I completely finished it.


I kept getting a slightly uneven shed.  It is an 8 harness, and I noticed it was only when the last 4 harnesses were raised that those warp threads were slightly lower.  I looked up, and sure enough, the last 4 harnesses were hanging lower than my front 4.  So, I counted the chain links.  They are exactly the same.  Same type of chain, same number of links, etc.  So I let it sit for a bit, talked it over with my guild, they said just raise those back 4 harnesses up a link if it bothers you.  So today, I went to weave a bit, planning to tinker with it.  It seems that botha sides are slightly wonky, but the right side is more consistently so.

Also of note.  This macomber has had water damage.  I got it for about $300, it is a 48" 8 harness.  I have no idea how long it had been outside for.  We have a very dry climate here usually, and don't get a lot of rain, so I can't imagine it was too long.  Everything else on the loom appears to be fine, just the final four shafts not raising properly.

Right harness jacks

 Right harness jacks


Left harness jacks

Left harness jacks



Michael White

at rest do not sit even. But when raised should all be even. That said do you know if this loom was purchased as a 4 and the other 4 added? The pictures of the jacks are not that good but it looks like the holes in the jacks maybe(?) in the wrong place. It could be other things, like the wrong size hooks. What I would do is remove all the hooks and using just one hook at the time raise each shaft using the same threadle to see that it does. Using the same hook do the next shaft until you have done all eight.

Here is a picture of the way the jacks should look.

This is a 16 harness loom the front is to the right