Why do companies offer you 40, 50, 60 percent or more off?  When you start out selling everything at 200 percent over cost you can afford to mark things down or offer free shipping.  My markup is 30 percent, so when I offer a 10 percent discount I am still making a little. No one here is paid a salary all the money made is put back into the business. So between now and the end of the year take 10% off everything in stock.

10 Percent off everything in stock

Excluding UKI/Supreme yarns

If you been to my warehouse you know I have 1,000s of pounds of yarn/fiber on hand and more coming in every day. A lot of it is not listed on the website. Remember this is a one old person operation and sometimes I forget to send out invoices or I misplace an order request. Right now I have some very lovely purple silk, I think 20/2 on 4, 250 gram cones I special ordered for someone then I misplaced the ticket. So I don’t remember who ordered it. I also have some lovely coral 60/2 silk on 250 gram cones. I ordered pink and was sent coral so I reordered the pink and yesterday shipped it to Hawaii. I will post pictures of these colors on the website today. I also want to rework the pictures of the 20/2 dyed silk to make them easier to see.


 I have two looms to restore and today it is raining here (again).

I have a fully restored Macomber 48/16 air/dobby loom sitting in the front hallway that I need to sell or move to the barn. Cheryl wants to put up her Christmas tree were the loom is sitting. I first offer this loom for $3000 and had 7 people interested but in the end no one took it. It is on Craigslist (Athens, GA) right now for $2700 but I will take $2500 for it.


Cheryl’s transparencies http://www.handweaver.us/transparency.htm  are hung in the gallery in Greensboro,  Ga http://www.lithamoon.com/index.html      Her first ever “art” show starts today.  Artist reception is Saturday December 5, from 5pm to 8pm so if you are in the area stop by and say hi.  

