I spoke to the Cambridge Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers Guild on Saturday. This is my local guild, so it was not quite as stressful as speaking in front of complete strangers. A few of the Cambridge members are already Weavolution members. But this was the first introduction for many in the crowd. Everyone seemed very enthusiastic!

WE all got to go to Fibre East today, TJ made many new friends. I saw many other CoA participants there. It was great to catch up with those of you I saw. I am very sorry to have missed a few of you. I know we all had a great time, as always!

For those in the UK, we really must schedule another get together and a miniworkshop. I am debating going to the Devon workshop with Nancy Hoskins next month and will definitely be at the Stacy Harvey Brown workshop in October. Other than that I am fairly free to get together!

See you soon,
