There is a new federal law that allows merchants to charge a credit card convenience fee at check out. I have been informed by my accountants that this fee applies ONLY TO EYEBALL TO EYEBALL SALES.  What this means is you have to present your card directly to the merchant. Online or phone sales do not count. You can read more if you like with the like below.


So that said I have removed this requirement from my web site.


I have gotten good advice from some attorneys that weave and “advice” from lawyer wannabes.


The February special went great and I have more yarn to post in the coming weeks. When I am done with this quick note I am off to pack and invoice orders.


I am going to have talk to General Lee about his prediction of an “early Spring,” it is going to be in the teens here Sunday morning and they are taking about the “S” word. I also need to talk to my nice “warm” customers that tell me it is 80F where they are and don’t send me an invite to come visit.


  Everyone stay warm except Betz who is already warm. Wait, Betz isn’t that an ice berg I see floating your way. Don’t worry it will melt before it reaches you.

