How do we want to track our progress through the book.  I know we are posting pictures, but do we want to post individual projects or do a group post by chapter or????

Going through all of the posts so far I have seen pictures of our warps all over the place.  Do we want some structure in our pursuit of Mastering Weave Structures?



Theresa, because I am a newbie, I am using my projects page to keep track of what I am doing. And I just posted a picture with my warp in one of the group pages. 

But I do think it would be neat if we create a thread where we can post pictures of our samples - one thread per chapter?

What do you all think?


for Chapter 1 pictures here, but so far only I am the only one who posted pictures of the warp.  I think that we need to decide where to put stuff or it could get kind of out of hand and I really do not want to miss anything that the other weavers are doing.

Erica J

Please also feel free to share your project with the group.  I will try to put together a How to on that this weekend. If you edit your project and look for Group Audience you can then select this group and it shows up on your project page and the group page.


Is that how you us want to track our progress, with individual projects? Maybe I am just overthinking this, which happens with me all the time:-)  Would it work for each of us to create one project for MWS, and then add each chapter?  I guess I am just looking for some continuity on how to proceed.  Hmm - I am overthinking this again:-)

Erica J

How you track your individual progress is completely up to you. I plan to have one project per chapter. We're all different, soIthink we should use what works best for us as individuals. 

I am also keeping my notes on each chapter in Evernote for now. This Study Group is giving me all kinds of ideas of functionality to add to the site in the future. This is great timing as it is better to have new ideas at tbis stage, so we can effectively plan our implementation,  but that's another topic all together!