I had everything completed up to Part 3 Weaving Techniques. So sad when it died. I am hoping to retrieve it with a case type thing but haven't been able to for lack of money. Oh well can't win them all. So much of this information was covered in my weaving classes at Haywood Community College/ Professional crafts program. Not even sure of the worth of the CO?. Very expensive to complete just the color  blanket or a linen warp are almost cost prohibitive for me.  Just some random thoughts!



Warpology, I am truly sorry to hear of your computer crash. I really hope you can get this worked out. Cathie


Oh no!  And no backup? So sorry, that's harsh. I have all mine on Google Docs, which is one way to insure against anything happening to my computer.

As to cost. That's such a relative thing, but remember the samples are very small. Most of my warps have been around 3 yards long, some only 2-1/2, and that's for both a final sample and a practice sample. You're the second person who has made that comment though... which is really too bad.