Recently I picked up a Newcomb Studio Loom. It wasn't put together, needed a good clean-up and I still need a new reed and heddles but soon.  In putting it back together I noticed something. The castle seems out of square relative to the side frames. Looking from the front of the loom it seems to go back to the rear of the loom on the right side. I don't know how that's possible as all the original bolts holes are there and not tampered with. No extra or elongated holes. When you bring the beater up to the castle it hits on the left side first. One of the metal bars that the lams bolt to was bent at the bolt hole which is the only other odd bit. I did straighten it somewhat. Have you got any ideas why the castle might sit like that, or if you think it will mess my weaving up?
John O'Shaughnessy


mrdubyah (not verified)

Yes, that is a problem that will interfere with your weaving.  It will put a skew in your fell line, making it difficult to weave square.  Something ain't right.  I'd start by disassembling and examining everything again.