The pretty pictures did not come across but anyone near Seattle should go hear Michel Garcia speak.  He has a refreshing new way of explaining dye chemistry!  It is well worth the $12!  Deb Mc

Presented by The University of Washington School of Art in Collaboration with the Surface Design Association of Washington State and Earthues Natural Dye Company

NATURAL COLORS AND EVEN MORE! Join us for an evening lecture and catered reception with Michel Garcia at the Center for Urban Horticulture on July 17, 7:00 p.m.

 Lecture: Natural Colors and Even More, July 17, 201

 Around the world, the rediscovery of colors from plants and insects is strongly linked with the concept of a "better life from natural substances", sustainable development, traceability and care for the planet.  From the point of view of Biology and "green" chemistry, it seems that the colorants from plants are bioactive components, with interesting protective effects on the body, even when they are used to dye a simple cloth. The plurality of biochemical effects of these colors is amazing. These natural substances are no longer considered as only ordinary colorants, but also as protective molecules. With the help of simple explanations, Michel Garcia will introduce the world of the bio-active dye.

 Registration for this lecture and catered reception is $12. Parking is free and readily available at the Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA.

 Registration for the lecture and payment on Pay Pal can be found at 

 Michel Garcia

Michel Garcia, a French national born in Casablanca, Morocco, has been interested in plants since childhood. He was a teenager when he first discovered a passion for natural dyeing and his study of plants and pigments over the decades has made him a leading authority on natural dyeing.

Author, collaborator, and founder of Couleur Garance and the Botanical Garden of Dye Plants in Lauris, Provence, he is a passionate advocate for the use of these dyes and for their many commercial and educational possibilities. His work includes professional consultation in West Africa, Tunisia, Mexico, United States, Canada, China, Indonesia, and Europe. He has written 21 monographs and 3 books and is featured in three pedagogic DVDs.

Since founding his first company in 1988, Michel has continued in his in depth study of the biology and chemistry of plants. His generosity in founding the Botanical Dye Garden as a resource center for anyone interested in sharing in the knowledge of Natural Dyes extends to teaching philosophy.

He is an innovative dyer and hands-on teacher whose enthusiasm is infectious and knowledge extensive. He is interested in using simple methods to present the complex world of Natural Dyes to a wide public.

 Questions or difficulty registering / paying?

   Please email Layne Goldsmith [email protected].

More information about Michel Garcia can be found at Yoshiko Wada's web site