Georgia grown unmercerized cotton

A number of people have asked for this cotton. This cotton was grown, ginned, spun, and plied in Georgia, USA. The cotton is all natural (ready to dye if you want to, there is no finish on this yarn) ring spun (RS), carded and combed (CP). It was made for me for hand weavers, and is very smooth, strong, and whiter than most natural cotton. Because my brain is old I have set one price for all the sizes of yarn. Cheaper if you buy it on the larger cone.

$12 pound for small tube (1.5 to 1.8oz size) -put up on a 7 inch long tube with a 5/8 inch hole in the tube, great for sectional warping.
$10 pound for a 4 to 5 pound cone (This is on a plastic dye cone with holes in it, used for commercial dyeing)

6/2 natural cotton RS CP

8/2 natural cotton RS CP

8.6/2 Natural Cotton RP CP (an odd size but great for weaving) I will be picking this up next week

8/4 natural cotton RS CP great for carpet warp

10/2 natural cotton RP CP Picking this up next week

3/2 natural cotton RP CP (on 1 ½ pound regular cones)

As always you either love it or return it for a full refund less s/h

If you want a sample of these yarns send me a self-address stamped business envelope and $1.00