Hello everyone, my grandmother was a weaver, primarly in linen.  I still use her sheets to this day! It appears her loom width was about 76 cm or about 30", the sheets are joined at the selvage edge with a stitch that lies perfecty flat.  Does anyone know what type of stitch this might be? 



Possibly what's called a ball stitch.  There is a brief description in Virginia West's Finishing touches for the handweaver, pp. 76-77 (Rev, ed, 1988), ISBN 0934026408.

Like everything else, this takes some practice.  I did it to join up a baby blanket in 10/2 cotton, and ended up wishing I'd practiced on scraps first.

The book goes into a couple other joining techniques (couching, faggoting), but each has a distinctive look.

Question:  West says of the ball stitch "as it is more frequently called in the United States".  What is it called elsewhere?



Thank you Mary! I will research this!


Peg R

Ball stitch ? Do you have any instructions on doing this stitch for those of us who do not have the book? I have some blankets which my grandmother wove around 1910, and they appear to be joined neatly in a flat stitch, also


For something that will take a lot of wear, like a sheet, I would flat fell it.


May be, this is what you are looking for!

Baseball Stitch

Good luck,




SallyE (not verified)

If you want to do the exact stitch that your Grandmother used, post a picture and someone will recognize it and tell you how to do it.