Since discovering inkle/tablet weaving my table loom sits neglected. I would like to attempt a wider (about 12 - 14 inches) tablet/card woven (threaded in pattern) project on the table loom and have ideas requiring input from more experienced weavers. My sense is that I should warp the loom from back to front with the reed/beater in place and once the warp has been rolled on to the back beam that the reed/beater would then be removed (attempting to keep all the threads in order) and the cards then threaded and tied to the front rod. Does this sound logical? And how can I best safeguard that the threads are in order once the reed is removed? All thoughts, suggestions and ideas welcome. With thanks.


sarahnopp (not verified)

If you can find them, Herbi Gray wrote a number of small publications on tablet weaving on the loom. She did very wide pieces, and some that were just incredibly large. She also made smaller ones, but she has good information in her booklets.

latinlatitudes (not verified)

Have reviewed both sources and really appreciate your help. Never really considered the different weaving texture that would be created using the reed as part of the card/tablet weaving process. Easter is a week long celebration here (Nicaragua) where we in the countryside seek solace from the party atmosphere and I have set aside some extended weaving time to start this project.