What are your favorite dyeing techniques.  I like arashi shibori myself, it seems to be the most satisfaction for a technique that can be completed in a decent time frame.  Some of the others are a lot of work for the effect to me.  I do like to clamp. Sometimes on whole cloth I enjoy some of the stitching techniques.  Stitched and capped seems like a lot of work, of course the results look great but I'm just not willing to put the time into it: call me lazy :). I've layed with Devore and some of the other and I do like hand cut stencils either for thickened dyes or for using with air brush.  I also do a bit of silk screening and in my opinion silk screening has gotten a bad name because of the commercial "T" shirts most everyone associates it with.  I hand cut my own resists for silk screens and so they are quite different.  I like borders on my cloth and so I use grecian fretwork or celtic knots.  Here is an interesting you tube video of screen printing on silk which is very artistic.  http://youtu.be/1OaCHr9Gqps