Hoping there are Macomber owners that can provide a little insight on my next project....

My warp woven shibori project that requires 60epi plain weave and am using 30/2 cotton.  I'm using an older 8H Macomber with ancient heddles (i.e. they don't line up pretty and interlock when stacked together).  Optimally, I would like to have the plain weave on two harnesses (essentially 30 heddles per inch) and use the other harnesses for the pattern threads.  As I have been moving heddles, it appears that 30 heddles per inch might be too tight.  Does anyone have any experience with fine, close threads.  Will the older flat heddles cause a problem such as abrasion on threads passing through other harnesses?  Since I have eight harnesses, I could spread the plain weave across 4 harnesses, but I still wonder if 60epi is too tight for this loom. 



lkautio (not verified)

I've woven 90 epi in 140/2 silk in huck (with more than half of the threads on 2 shafts) on this loom without problems. If you are worried, you can use non-adjacent shafts (for example, shafts 1 and 5 or 1 and 8) for the plain weave to help the threads snuggle and the shafts open more easily. Good luck!

Laurie Autio

caloosa (not verified)

I wove a rep rug on a Macomber at 60 EPI and used 8 shafts with a straight draw.  The warp was 16/2 cotton and I did not have trouble getting a clean shed.  It is a heavier lift - but was easy weaving.
