This is the email I got from Erick Hart from Convergence. Macomber had a booth there with a demo loom

Loom in need of a home

Hi Michael

Erick again.  Do you have thoughts where else I could promote this loom out here?
I really don't want to ship it home. We've had some nibbles on the floor but doubtful anyone @ the show is gonna bite
Might even entertain other options if available, like consignment &/or free loaner to a school or guild


I got this email at 10 PM Fri night. I spent the next 3 hours emailing every guild officer in southern CA asking them to call be for details. I received two phone calls around 2 AM.
At 9 AM, (6 AM in CA) I got a call from Sally Orgren the person manning the Weavo booth at Convergence. For the next 3 hours I received about 9 calls asking about  the loom. At 1:28 AM this morning I got this PM message from Sally.


We had some takers for a free loom by some non-profits if it came to that, but the loom was sold (thankfully) before they had to resort to giving it away.
It was great putting a voice to your posts when we talked this morning. And I met a lot of Weavolutionaries this week — it was great!

Good job, many thanks for getting the word out!




sally orgren

Actually, don't give me much credit for wo-manning the booth. That belongs to Helen and one of our sponsors, (who provides travel tours to India.) I checked in with them on Saturday, and they said it had been a busy day. Many thanks to them both for doing this!