
I am new to Weavolution and am a bit of a novice when it comes to weaving. I've done a bit on inkle looms, and am an avid knitter/spinner, however. 

Recently, my wonderful aunt gave me her Shaw Island Fleece Company countermarch loom. The only directions it came with were photocopies of letters from the maker written in 1977... no diagrams or pictures. We put it together the best that we could, but are having a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to do up the friction break. I haven't had any luck in looking up the Shaw Island looms on the internet, as there were a limited number of handmade looms made, but I believe they were based on a Glimarka (sp?) countermarche design. 

Basically, the problem we are having is that with the brake itself (A triangle of wood on a carriage bolt at the lower left corner of the loom) in the sensible position similar to pictures that we've seen, it knocks against the front brace, and there doesn't seem to be any other way to do it. 

Any suggestions or pictures would be loads of help!




Any way to install a ratchet system?

SallyE (not verified)

It would help to see pictures of the problem you are having.